An ethical issue relating to research purposes:

Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct (  There is no one set of ethics and these are the norms of standard behavior that guide moral choice about our behaviors, and are learned over time.

An ethical issue relating to the gathering of information for research purposes is privacy, and how the use of personal information is keep safe and private.  People have the right to their personal information safe and secure and there are 12 privacy principles that need tho be considered when gathering information for research.  These 12 principles are: 1. Purpose of collection of personal information, 2. Source of personal information, 3. Collection of information, 4. Manner of collection of personal information, 5. Storage and security of personal information, 6 Access to personal information, 7. Correction of personal information, 8. Accuracy of personal information to be checked before use, 9. Personal information not to be kept for longer than necessary, 10. Limits on use of personal information, 11. Limits on disclosure of personal information, and 12. Unique identifiers.  In New Zealand we have the Privacy Act 1993 which controls how ‘agencies’ collect, use, disclose, store and give access to ‘personal information’.

Understanding of copyright and fair use of material:

My understanding of copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. This is usually only for a limited time in New Zealand this is a period of 50 years, copyright is part of a area of the law know as intellectual property.  Copyright prohibits the copying of material without the permission of the copyright holder, and ›includes books, articles, music, anything from websites.  Using the Creative Commons, the author can assign the level of free material you can use, and you will usually need to acknowledge the material to the author when can using it.

Fair use of material: In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “trans formative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. In other words, fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement. If your use qualifies as a fair use, then it would not be considered an illegal infringement. (

by copyrighting their material, an author protects themselves and guarantees their ownership of their work.  if anyone is to use their work they must acknowledge them and pay them for the right to do so, also known as royalties, ensuring the fair use of their material.  if anyone unfairly uses the authors material without their knowledge they open themselves up for legal ramifications which range from large fines to imprisonment.

Post Twnety-one


When i was at high school, I didn’t really enjoy it so i wasn’t much for one to go to classes or pay any attention at all. I was more one of those students that went to school everyday just to see my friends.

I did hang in there though till year 13-level 3, but because it was my last year i was so keen to just get out of there! So i didn’t really care to much about school anymore and didn’t actually do much in class to get my credits. One reason because i felt like i couldn’t do it, so i gave up!

So unfortunately yes i failed level 3 by 4 credits, when i heard this i was so disappointed in myself! Being so close to my goal, i had made at the start of the year.

After leaving school and coming back to study just recently, i’ve now find that if i had applied myself better in classes and worked harder i would have completed my goal and passed my last level of school!

The learning experience i’ve taken from this is to very doubt myself in anything anymore, always think positive and tell myself i can do anything!

Post Twenty


At the start of this year, i decided to go flatting for the first time, i was so excited about doing do it being on my own, parents not telling me what to do! Meet new people.

But what i didn’t realise was how hard i was going to find it living with other people and there habits, i moved into a flat with a couple and they were loving but after a few months i came to realise that how  i liked to live and how they liked to live were totally different!

So there for agurements started to happen and being at home wasn’t a happy place to be, the learning experience that came from this was that not everyone likes to do the same things i like to do or like to have things the way i liked to do and flatting wasn’t all what it was cracked up to be.

Post Nineteen


An learning experience that i have had would be one from a few years ago, at the time i was working at subway and i loved my job. Loved everything about it!

A few months after getting this job i had some personally issues going on and i started to bring theses problems into work, because i was so new to this job. I was unaware how they dealt with things and because of these problems i was having they didn’t take to kindly to them and they actually let me go, i was so upset that this had happened to me.

But i took the learning experience from this job and since then have built my working skills and now know that personal things are to be left at that the door when walking into work.

Post Eighteen


A new learning experience this is year for me would have been moving to dunedin, moving away from my home town, all my friends, boyfriend and my family was hard. I had to learn how to be on my own in a different town and learning to deal with difficult challenges and not having my parents near by or down the road for support or having friends around to comfort me when things got lonely and tough.

Its made me grow though and made me a stronger person, i can now deal with the difficult things on my own and learnt to be happy in my own company! Which is sometime i have had problem with in the past.

Post Seventeen


Over the past two months i have learnt alot of new compiter skills, ive learnt things to do woith word and excel that i didnt know but now do and im enjoying the skills i have learnt, also with the cast study i did on the speights brewery i really enjoyed doing that and hope to do more.

Post Sixteen

Time Management

Before i started studying my time management was bad, I would always try put it off or say ill do it tomorrow but never did, since starting this course my time management has got some much better: I now go to the libary and study or i can sit at home and work thru my assessments or sit and read thru the things on moodle plus writting notes.

Post Fifteen

Success Strategies

Checking my study or homeworl before classes plus emails: If ive missed a class i can go to moodle or check my email for extra information.

Passing my assessments: By putting in effect in my tasks or assessments and making sure I listen in class.

Post Fourteen

Understanding Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is defined as preforming an action or behaviour because you enjoy the activity itself. Extrinsic Motivation is done for the sake of an external outcome, the inspiration for acting on intrinsic motivation can be found in an act itself.

Personally Experience

Intrinsic: Talking to my friends about what we would do in the weekends or during the week or telling them what jobs i had to do for the week, talking them would always motivation me to do these things.

Extrinsic: Working and going to work for the outcome of experience and money.

The difference between these two would be to me one is doing something that you want and like, bur the other one would be something that you  have to do.